Cina pandang rendah pada Melayu?

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On Aug 8, 8:06 pm

- Bald Eagle, your uncle in Vietnam claims himself to - be Vietnamese . - but Chinese in Malaysia cannot claim to be Malays , No Chinese would want to be Malay. The Chinese look down on the stupid and brainless. However, they can claim to be the native of Malaysia... just like the Malays If you cannot understand this simple difference...then you are stupid....and a moron.

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Hey Fuckwit Komin you stupid and uneducated arsehole.
One is a NATIONALITY, the other is a RACE.
Chinese in Malaysia are Malaysians, not Malays.
Get it? Geez you are one stupid and ignorant git!
Now get a life and fuck off from this newsgroup, you stupid shit.

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Aug 9, 9:17 am

Bald Eagle, .... why you considered a question concerning the Vietnamese people as migrants , a stupid question to you ?
Monster, are you going a bit far,how can Chinese in Malaysia be Malaysian ?

Chinese in Malaysia are 100% Chinese, borned as Chinese , and die as Chinese , with Chinese cocks and Chinese cunts still in tact
in their Chinese coffins , Chinese in Malaysia are the " CHINESE NATIVE " of Malaysia, why Chinese in Malaysia be in their natural birth
identity as Chinese ,
Chinese are not forced to change into Malaysian for political nicety /
Malaysian means you have some Malay blood in you , Malaysian have the word Malay in Malaysian , so how can Chinese be Malaysian ?
Monster , you are more stupid than a Malay, at least Malay recognise the word Malay in the Malaysian .

prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
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Aug 11, 2:32 pm

the Vietnamese would kill Chinese migrants in Vietnam
if the Chinese migrants in Vietnam
claim Vietnam is not Vietnamese territory .

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Aug 12, 12:20 pm

Bald Eagle, ... Chinese migrants in Vietnam dare not claim Vietnam is Chinese territory ... in contrast to Chinese migrants in Malaysia, since Bald Eagle stated that Malaysia belongs to Chinese migrants and to Malays

Chinese migrants in Vietnam dare not claim Vietnam also belongs to Chinese migrants .

this is the great difference between Chinese in Malaysia and
Chinese in Vietnam.. the Malay are so weak compared to the Vietnamese
when it comes to the control of their own respective nations .

Jesus Christ the Cunt Fucker
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Aug 13, 9:17 am

Vietnamese would expel Chinese migrants in Vietnam who claim Vietnam is Chinese territory ,... in contrast to Bald Eagle who stated that Malaysia belongs to Chinese migrants and to Malays
the Malays are too gentle to the Chinese migrants in

Vietnamese would either expel or kill Chinese migrants who
claim Vietnam also belongs to the Chinese migrants in Vietnam.

Lawati link:


  1. orang cina memang sombong dan angkuh...lagi lagi orang cina zaman sekarang.berlagak tak tentu arah.kalau tak kerana ihsan orang2 melayu yang baik hati jangan harap la orang cina dapat beranak pinak dibumi dah duduk malaysia boleh plak nak komplen azan tu nuisance(rujuk kes teresa kok-mp seputeh)
    dorang makan ba alif ba ya takpe....

    perkataan yang tepat untuk cina yang sombong ala2 firaun ni-ignorant

  2. Yg aku heran sgt ni, kenapalah krj mengampu tahap melampau cina dgn india sekarang ni? Najib tu mengampu kaum pendatang tahap menjilat! Melayu siapa bela?

  3. kalau berdebat pasal kaum sampai bila pun tak habis.. semangat asobiah yang melampau dah tak laku lagi dalam dalam masyarakat majmuk masa kini..

    orang-orang/kaum melayu cina india kadazan iban.. dll semuanya yang lahir dan bersekolah di malaysia dipanggil orang/rakyat malaysia.

    apa apa aja lah.... nak seribu daya taknak seribu dalih. apa yang penting.. berkerjasama..

    orang yang tajam fikiran/pandai tapi malas berusaha akan gagal dalam kehidupan tapi kepada yang tumpul fikiran/tak pandai akan hidup berjaya jika rajin berusaha, tak kira apa kaum.. apa bangsa sekalipun..

    jadi kalau dok fikir pasal keburukan aja.. nak berterima kasih/syukur pun payah.. betul tak..
