UNDIP rejects student applications from Malaysian Citizens

Let Inang share some information about the university. Universitas Diponegoro is located in Semarang, Central Java. Founded in 1956, the university is Ranked 1204 in the world. (source, 4International colleges and universities, 2009). They seems serious about 'ganyang' Malaysia...

The Jakarta Post   |  Wed, 08/26/2009 8:37 PM  |  National
Diponegoro University (Undip) has rejected student applications from Malaysian citizens for the 2009-2010 academic year following the recent Pendet dance controversy.

“The decision is an expression of our patriotism,” the university's rector Susilo Wibowo said, as quoted by Antara state news agency on Tuesday in Semarang.

He said Malaysia did not appreciate Indonesia's cultural heritage as it kept claiming aspects of Indonesia’s culture as its own, such as the Pendet, Reog and Rasa Sayange traditional songs and dances.

The university, Susilo added, would continue to cooperate with some Malaysian universities in technology and other sciences.

The university's spokesperson Agus Naryoso said his office would still allow Malaysian students to finish their studies.

“Many Malaysian students used to study at the medical school, but there are none this year as we are no longer accepting students from our neighboring country,” Agus said.

The university, Agus added, had welcomed 9,151 new students this academic year. (ewd)


  1. Kalau UNDIP dah tak suka, nak buat macamana.. orang dah tak suka, pujuk pun tak guna, masa bersemuka diam bila di belakang mengata, yelah! memang dah tak suka...

    Kita bukan boleh paksa2 orang ni.. Harap2 dia suka kembali bila dah hilang tak suka dia tu.. Kita bukan membenci pun dan kita tak rugi apa2
    Cuma ada sedikit terkilan.

    Jangan kita bertindak seperti dia orang dah ler.. tak berlaku adil/zalim sangat kita menyekat anak2 yang ingin mencari ilmu.. ilmu akan hilang jika tidak diamal/disampaikan..

    Tak apalah.. asalkan oxford dan havard masih suka menerima student Malaysia pun dah kira syukur Alhamdullilah.

    "Marahkan/Menampar seekor Aedes dengan tangan tidak akan menyelesai masalah Denggi"

    Jiwa yang Merdeka

  2. Tak terkilanlah kalau tak dapat belajar kat indo.Kalau us ke uk susah juga sebab banyak student kita kat sana tapi indon takpelah. banyak universiti kita yang dlm senarai top 200 universities in the world.
