Lapulapu, hero of the ancient Malay world

Lapulapu is considered one of the greatest figures of ancient Philippines & Malay archipelago history. He was the datu of Mactan, an island in the Visayas, Philippines, who is known as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted Spanish colonization. According to Sulu oral tradition, Lapulapu was a Muslim chieftain, and was also known as "Kalipha Pulaka". The people of Bangsamoro, the Islamic homeland in the southern Philippine Islands, consider him to be a Muslim and a member of the Tausug ethnic group.
First thing comes to mind when the name of Lapulapu is mentioned is his battle with Magellan that led to Magellan's death. Lapulapu is not honored because of that incident. Rather, he is honored because he was among the first to reject submission to a foreign power even though the then Raja Humabon, ruler of the neighboring island of Cebu, and other chiefs recognized the king of Spain as their sovereign and agreed to pay tribute.
On the morning of April 27, 1521, Lapulapu and the men of Mactan, armed with spears, kampilan (sword) and kalis (Keris), faced Spanish soldiers led by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. In what would later be known as the Battle of Mactan, Magellan and several of his men were killed. With the death of Magellan, the Spaniards retreated to their ships and left. Lapulapu's victory is celebrated annually with a re-enactment of the battle at the site where the original battle is believed to have occurred.


  1. Salam Inang and selamat berpuasa,
    Just come across your blog, menarik juga juga. Akak ada ternampak Inang tanya tentang blog Dr Ridhuan Tee tempoh hari kan? Blog dia : Akak pun minat dengan ceramah dan article dia, antara penceramah yang menarik dan global

    From kak safia

  2. wahh thanks kak safia..salam kenal...heee ok skrg saya nk melawat blot dr ridhuan tee...inang jom

  3. Hi Kak Safia sayang, salam kenal! Terima kasih dtg blog inang dan lebih2 terima kasih lagi sebab bagi address blog Dr Ridhuan Tee, singgah2lah selalu yer kak!

    Precious Permata Hati, Inang tak tau sayang kenapa you all tak nlh masuk sini, sebab semalam ada juga org yg bagi komen. Alhamdulillah nampaknya dah boleh yer, sayang mari kita pergi ke blog abg angkat kita tu...

  4. wah! segak dan seksi juga hero melayu ni ye..
